Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know this is a little late but here are some spring inspired cake pops based off Bakerella. These were for the same person the butterfly cake was for. The butterfly was more fun to make but these were pretty okay. They are strawberry cake covered in white chocolate and the yellow center is a lemon skittle. Strawberry + Lemon = Yum!

First Big Party

A friend from work's daughter got engaged so she asked me to do the cupcakes for her engagement party. These were tricky but it was my biggest order yet! There were 6 dozen GLUTEN FREE cupcakes. I have to say I was quite nervous that I would contaminate something but thankfully she didn't get sick! We had 2 dozen chocolate with vanilla buttercream, 2 dozen carrot with cream cheese icing, and 2 dozen strawberry cupcakes. Thankfully there is this great company, I'll have to get the name again, who makes gluten free cake mix and The Cake Doctor has a great gluten free cake mix doctor book. Anyway, she is getting married on the beach and her colors are a tiffany blue and red so I tried to incorporate everything into the cupcake designs :o) Enjoy!


I love how things travel by word of mouth. That is how I got this job. My best friend's sister's friend. Got that? :o) Her son was having a birthday party and she ordered these cute little dinosaurs. All I had to do was bake the cupcakes and color the icing. I thought they came out pretty cute...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cake Ball Crazy

Cake balls are so yummy! Another coworker wanted a cake for her daughters birthday/slumber party. She loves the cake balls but isn't huge on sweet cake frostings so we came up with this brilliant idea to make a cake ball cake. I would try to explain but I think the pictures do a better job. Here we have chocolate and strawberry cakes with vanilla icing and covered in either white or plain chocolate. So good! I can't wait to try another cake like this!


One of the sweetest ladies at work is retireing a year early to spend time with her grandbabies...She was one of my best friends at school and I will miss her very much. The staff threw her a retirement party. The TA's planted a tree on the playground for her and I changed the words to "Isn't She Lovely" and we sang to her. It was a sweet moment. Of course I wanted to make her a special cake so here it is...

The bottom is chocolate with vanilla buttercream, the middle is white with raspberry filling, and the top was lemon with a lemon curd filling.

Another Baby Shower

Last baby shower for our best friends I did those cute baby face cake pops. This shower was at school so there were way more people there so I decided to try a regular tiered cake. Maybe I'd have more luck then the topsy turvey...I have to say this might be my favorite cake yet!

The bottom was vanilla with vanilla buttercream and the top was chocolate chip with a chocolate pudding filling.

Track Out Cakes

Most of my business comes from the people I work with. A sweet friend was having a suprise party for her daughter who was turning 17. She approached me about doing cakes for the party because she wasn't sure how she could manage to make the cakes herself without her daughter finding out. Of course I was more than happy to do it and even better I was tracked out so no school :o) I had a lot of fun experimenting with the Cricut again. I thought the grass was pretty cool!

Chocolate cake with chocolate filling and icing:

Strawberry cake with strawberry buttercream:


My best friend graduated from Dental School back in May and her mom wanted me to make a cake for her. I wanted to do something creative but I'm not quite sure about shape cakes yet so I decided to go with a flat tooth cake and tried dressing it up. It's not perfect but it's good practice, right? She also ordered some Smore's Cupcakes...super delish!

Marriage Send Off

We had a send off party for a friend at work who was getting married in the Bahamas. Of course I wanted to make her cake. Friends of mine wanted a topsy turvey cake for their anniversary and got me a Cricut as payment so I thought I would try it out on her. The bottom came out well...the top was a little iffy but it made it! I learned some lessons, got to practice with the Cricut AND at least it tasted good! The bottom was lemon cake with lemon buttercream and the top was strawberry with strawberry buttercream. This was also my first attempt with a tiered cake. Maybe I skipped a few steps ;o)